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升PN 中、英、數暑假夏令營 (半日)

升PN 中、英、數暑假夏令營 (半日)


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升PN 中、英、數暑假夏令營 (半日) 


課堂:5 星期,星期一至五,每堂1.5小時 

上課日期:22/7 – 23/8 



  • 讓幼兒更容易適應PN 生活 
  • 語文及語言 (中文及英文) 
  • 認知發展 
  • 個人、團體發展、情緒管理 



1. 各項課程名額有限,先到先得。

2. 若遇上3號熱帶氣旋警告信號、紅色暴雨警告信號、疫情/流感等情況,ABC會按照教育局指引;如需停止面授課堂;半日班課堂將轉為網上形式 (全日班下午之課堂將會取消並不設補堂或退款),以協助學生如期學習,並同時確保安全。

- 如課堂轉為網上形式,小朋友須透過「Zoom視頻系統」進行網上課堂,家長請先於家用電腦或平板電腦安裝好Zoom;

- 請於安靜的環境上課,並確定Wifi或網絡連接系統接收穩定;如缺席、遲到登入或進行課堂時學生自行中斷,均不設補時或退款;

- 網上課堂進行時,請勿錄影、攝影及錄音。

3. 若遇上8號或以上之烈風及暴風警告信號、黑色暴雨警告信號,我們將停止授課;該課堂將不設補堂及退款。

4. 若學生因病或私人理由請假,該課堂將不設補堂及退款。

5. 課程學費一經繳付後,不設任何退款。學生如不能上課或因惡劣天氣而缺席 (按教育局指示取消之課堂),並不會獲補堂安排。如因個人一些重要事故,而需要申請特別退款,而獲批核者,如選擇現金退款,須另繳付退款手續費$200(以每份報名表計)。

6. 報名後如需作出任何更改,須另繳付行政手績費$100。

7. 學生不可攜帶食物於校內用膳,以保持個人及校內衛生。

8. 如學生對任何食物或物料有敏感反應,家長必須於報讀時以書面通知本校。

9. ABC Pathways Group有權拍攝或錄影學生上課情形或進行戶外活動時的情況,並可使用有關相片或影片作宣傳用途;家長如有異議,必須於報名時以書面通知本校。

10. ABC Pathways Group 以及其委託的數據公司使用我的個人資料 (包括但不止於姓名、電話號碼及電郵地址) 以WhatsApp、手機短訊、電郵、圖文傳真、直接來電或其他形式的傳訊方法與本人聯絡,通知有關學生及課程宣傳事宜。ABC Pathways Group不會將本人的個人資料轉移至第三方作直銷推廣之用。

11. 如有需要,本校有權更改原定之上課時間及內容。如有任何爭議,ABC Pathways Group保留一切之決策權。

Terms & Conditions

1. Seats are offered on a first-come-first-served basis.

2. ABC Pathways International Kindergarten will follow EDB instructions in case of typhoon signal 3, red rainstorm or epidemic outbreak or flu outbreak. If face-to-face lesson is suspended, we will adopt online lesson for half-day programs to ensure student will be learning under a safe environment. Afternoon lessons for Whole-Day programs will be cancelled and there will be no make-up classes or refunds.

- If online lesson is adopted, students have to login to Zoom for online lessons. Parents please get Zoom installed on your desktop computer or tablet.

- Please enjoy the Zoom lesson in a quiet environment and ensure Wifi or network connection is stable. If students are late for the lesson or your side ceases the connection in the midway of the lesson, no refund of a make-up session will be provided.

- No video recording, audio recording or photos are allowed during online lesson.

3. If typhoon signal number 8 or above, or a black rainstorm warning signal is hoisted, classes will be suspended. There will be no make-up classes or refunds for the affected session.

4. If a student is absent from class due to illness or personal reasons, there will be no make-up classes or refunds for the missed session.

5. The tuition fee is not refundable for any reason. In the case of strong personal reasons, special consideration will be given for refunds based on individual situations. If a special case is approved, a handling charge of $200 will be applied per application form.

6. Any amendments after application will charge handling charge $100.

7. To ensure personal and campus hygiene, please do not eat at campus.

8. If a student has allergic reactions to food or materials, parents shall submit a written notice to ABC Pathways School upon application.

9. ABC Pathways Group holds the right to take video or photos of students in class. ABC Pathways School also holds the right to use those videos and photos for promotional purposes. Parents will not be notified about this in advance. For any enquiries, please write to ABC Pathways School.

10. ABC Pathways Group and its appointed data companies have the right to use students’ personal information (including but not limited to name, phone number, and email address) to contact me via WhatsApp, SMS, email, fax, direct phone calls, or other forms of communication for the purpose of notifying me about students and course promotional matters. ABC Pathways Group will not disclose my personal data to any third party for direct marketing purposes.

11. ABC Pathways International Kindergarten holds the right to change the course schedule and content if necessary. ABC Pathways Group reserves the right of final decision.



  • 報讀課程適用 (地址僅供報名之用)


  • 支付寶 (HK)
  • Apple Pay
  • 信用卡付款
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